Dog Activities and Sports

Information and resources on different activities and sports for dogs, such as agility, obedience, tracking, flyball, dock diving, hiking, and biking.

How Do I Keep My Dog Entertained?

Well, doggone it! Your faithful companion, your furry confidante, your tail-wagging buddy – your dog – is showing signs of restlessness. Maybe it’s the extra energy, the frequent whining, or the gnawed up shoes, but something’s got Fido feeling fidgety. As most dog parents know, dogs need entertainment just as much as humans do. They crave stimulation, engagement, and fun. Just like us, they can get bored. And when that happens, it can lead to problems like destructive behavior and depression. But fear not! We’re here to tackle this doggy dilemma and give you the tools to keep your dog entertained, stimulated, and happy.

How Do I Keep My Dog Entertained? More From The Experts

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